Saturday 29 November 2014


Praise the Lord! My name is Chukwuoha Jessica Chidalu and I worship at Igando Parish of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, Lagos. I want to testify how the Lord saved me from the hands of ritual killers. It happened that recently I boarded a bus at Obadore bus stop to go to Iyana Oba. When I got to Iyana School, I noticed something strange about the movement of the conductor and the driver, so I told them that I wanted to go down at Iyana School. But they replied that they would not stop me at that place because they were going straight to Iyana Oba where they intended to stop.  As I continued to demand that they should stop me, the other passengers began to shout to them to allow me to go down. When they noticed that the bus had become very noisy, they sprayed some powdery substance on us and all of us slept off.
By the time we woke up, we found ourselves at a strange place.  What I did immediately was to send text messages to my parents and some of my friends asking them to pray for me because I did not know where I was, that my life was in danger and that I couldn’t make any calls from there. A few minutes later, a friend called my line. When the phone rang, one of the men came and collected the phone from me. But the phone was on security mode. He then asked me to unlock it but I refused. In anger, he smashed the phone on the floor, scattered it and marched his feet on it. But he did not know that I had two phones. He then left leaving the SIM card on the floor. When I saw that he had gone out, I picked up the SIM card and slotted it into the other phone, put it on silent mode and hid it in my cloth.
Meanwhile, prayers were going up to heaven on my behalf. I was receiving text messages assuring me that prayers were being made for me from different pastors, friends, siblings and my parents. I was praying and quoting the Scriptures to back up my prayers. After about thirty minutes, they came and took away five people from among us and killed them. This happened about 10.30 pm. Meanwhile, the man detailed to keep an eye on us was still sleeping. He was even snoring. I took advantage of that to make prayers with the pastors and my siblings on phone because it was already midnight. Then by 5.30 am they came and took away another five people. We now remained only three. Still, I was praying and telling God that my death was not necessary. By 9 am they called us and asked one of us to lower her head, but she began to beg them to spare her life. But they forcefully bent her head and cut it off before our very eyes. That was when it became clear to me that the battle line had been drawn. Then they asked me to bend down too but I refused. I was quoting the scriptures and praying before them, and directing my attention to them.
Then one of them slapped me and I fell down on the floor but immediately got up. He began to shout at me and to say that it seemed I was too stubborn. He said that I would be sacrificed in a more brutal way. So when the man who was supposed to be guarding us, but who slept all through the night saw the way I was arguing with their chief priest, he came near and asked me in the vernacular whether I was from a particular section of the country and I told him yes. He now said that while he slept during the night that he saw my face in his dream and somebody was flogging and telling him to release me that I am a daughter of Zion. He said that the person warned that my blood should not be tampered with that I was not meant for sacrifice. According to him, he was scared because of the torment he had received the previous night because of me.  Then he tricked the chief priest by telling him that since I was too stubborn, that it would be better to sacrifice me in the afternoon. So the chief priest agreed and told him to take me back to the room I was staying.
But the man took me to the backyard and used a dirty piece of cloth to cover my eyes and pushed me into a bus. He probably did that so that I wouldn’t be able to recognize where I had been taken to. He drove the bus for about 20 or 30 minutes before he stopped and pushed me out. He also threw out my purse and phone on the ground and drove off. When I struggled and opened my eyes and found out that I was in a thick bush, I called my brother to tell him what had happened. And almost immediately, my dad called and I told him that I was in a bush. He told me to try and get to anywhere I could hear the sound of moving vehicles which I did and in a  few minutes time I came out on an expressway and asked where I was and the man I asked told me I was in Agbara, Ogun State.
Brethren, I had to look for a bus going to Iyana Oba. When I got there, my mother came and took me home. That was how God saved me from the hands of ritual murderers. Praise the Lord!”


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