Thursday 4 December 2014


Photo of Concetta 
During the birth of my son, Benjamin, there were complications and his brain didn't receive enough oxygen. When I first saw him his skin was blue. He was admitted to a special hospital where he stayed for the first few weeks. When he was four, a nursery teacher told me that something was wrong with him, as he didn’t react when they spoke to him. They advised me to take him to the doctor, which I did.
In hospital they examined him and found that he had epilepsy. As a result he was prescribed a lot of medication. As he got older and went to school it got worse, and when he had a fit his temperature would drop below 36°C and he would feel sick. When I became a Christian I heard that God healed people through Jesus, and that He is able to heal people today as well. I prayed that if this God really existed he would completely heal my son. At that point I knew in my heart that Benjamin would be healed.

 One year later I went to our Assembly’s Annual General Meeting in Cornwall, together with my children. One day there was a healing evening where people could ask for prayer from the pastors. I took the opportunity and asked for prayer for my son. The pastor laid hands on him and prayed that he’d never have an epileptic fit again. Since that day he hasn’t had a fit, and no longer has to take any medication!
On arriving home from Cornwall we went to the doctor to confirm the healing. The doctor couldn't believe what he saw. He said that there was no longer any sign of epilepsy! My son has been completely free from any fits since he received prayer. It was the best proof for me that the Bible is true.
"For I am the Lord that healeth thee.EXODUS 15:26.

Love in Christ, Concetta, Italy.

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