Wednesday 3 December 2014


Akowonjo Branch for Boys

Ogudu Branch for girls

Little Saints Orphanage is a divine haven for Orphans, Abused and Abandoned children, It was the first non-governmental indigenous orphanage approved by the Lagos state government.
Since inception on the 4th of June 1994, more than a thousand children have benefited from the programmes of the orphanage. Today over a hundred children with their nannies reside in four branches of the orphanage.
Little Saints orphanage has a three-tier programme for the children: Rehabilitation, Reformation and Reintegration.

REHABILITATION: The first objective is to take abandoned children off the streets and give them a befitting home. The little saints orphanage structurally is a haven in every measure. The children and babies are rehabilitated under the most conducive conditions with unconditional love and excellent care. Our vision is capital intensive because we initiate and build rehabilitation centers. The hostel within these centers is called "LITTLE SAINTS HOUSE" for orphans, abused and abandoned children brought into the mission through the police or good Samaritans. Little saints house is home away from home for our precious saints.

REFORMATION: This is done through Education and extra curricular activities. Education is the best investment in children. The mission is determined to help the little saints as far as they want go to in their pursuit of academic excellence. All Little Saints go to schools located around the orphanage. Presently we have some of them in universities.

RE-INTEGRATION: They are reintegrated into society through adoption and fostering to deserving and loving families. There is also reconciliation to extended family members. We work in collaboration with the Lagos State Ministry of youths, sports and social development on fostering and adoption issues. So far the exercise has yielded great results. In the beginning we appealed through the media for Nigerians to come forward to adopt but as at today the orphanage has a waiting list of adopters yearning for children!

One of our greatest achievements is the impact we have made on adoption by raising the rate of adoption in Lagos State and by enforcing through interaction and motivation the procedures for adoption.
The best service one can render to God is to raise up a child in his name to walk in his ways. God is the first to have adopted. He adopted us into his heavenly family through his son Jesus Christ! This is why we must do the same and take every single child away from the streets into the security of a Godly home.

It is still unbelievable that a mother would carry a baby for nine months and after going through the near death experience of giving birth she decides to throw the baby in a pit or dump the baby in a dustbin. Our first abandoned baby was brought to the orphanage in a polythene bag. We were shocked! Today that baby is enjoying the love and comfort of a loving family through adoption. Presently, all Babies in Little Saints Orphanage get adopted within a few months. Glory to God!
Little saints' orphanage does not charge a single naira for adoption. Ours is a call to serve humanity.
The next step for Nigerians to take is towards fostering on a larger scale . We hope to improve on this in our next stage of impact. When children are brought to us from the streets we seek out extended families for reconciliation, some times we find them but most times we don't.

We have BIG dreams...
The objective of the vision is to erase the stigma attached to the orphan status and to create a leverage of equality for these group of children with their peers in the world, irrespective of the unfortunate circumstances they were born into. We dream of a greater Nigeria devoid of street beggars, street children and homeless women laboring for crumbs. We dream of beautiful and well equipped rehabilitation centers for the needy.
We dream of having compassionate leaders who will ensure that every citizen has a chance to a good standard of life.
Strong tower mission and Little saints Orphanage is praying and working out these dreams through various laudable projects and humanitarian activities.

With regards to funding, the orphanage depends on placement of collection boxes in public places, musical concerts, fund raising events, as well as financial and material donations from the founders, trustees, compassionate citizens and organizations.

We invite everyone to pay a visit to the children of the Little saints' orphanage. The children are wonderful to behold. Their laughter, their tender touch, and their whispers of love and appreciation will stir up tenderness and compassion in anyone.
We appeal to all our friends and patrons for total commitment to give regular donations, to attend our programmes and to visit the little saints. your presence gives the vision a boost all the time!

Little Saints Orphanage
Strong Tower House, 6B, D'alberto Road,
Palmgrove Estate, Palmgrove, Lagos.
234 - 08033024066
234 - 08023044841
234 - 08075489009
E-mail Contacts

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