Monday 1 December 2014


Praise the LORD, there is victory in the Name of Jesus!
Here is a testimony that happened while I was living in NZ. I was working in a Geriatric Hospital where elderly people/patients come in to be nursed and cared for, but hardly ever come out alive.
One day a new patient was delivered to our ward. The main nurse told me that he had terminal cancer and that he had only 2 more weeks to live. He was lying in his bed completely pale; half of his face was covered with a bandage as the cancer had eaten up his upper jaw. The man had to be fed with a syringe and was on morphine. I avoided his contact for some days, as the sight of him caused me discomfort and shudders.
But one afternoon I was told to feed him. As I was sitting next to his bed a deep love for this man filled my heart and I had pity on him. I asked him if he would believe in Jesus and if I could pray for him. He nodded and so I prayed for him in Jesus' Name.
The next day I brought the "Handbook for Healing" by Charles and Frances Hunter with me and prayed again for him according to the prayer guidelines for cancer sick people in this book.
After that, whenever I saw the man, the bandage in his face was a bit smaller. After 2 weeks he was running by himself towards the dining hall and feeding himself. Shortly afterwards he was dismissed and transferred to a normal rest home.
PRAISE THE LORD! God performed this miracle for the man. I still remember his happy face. After prayer he was changed. He had faith. He grew stronger by the day. What a joy it was.
I believe that the man’s sickness was caused by a spirit which held him captive.
In the meantime I was able to minister to two other people with the same prayer. Both of them received their healing. The power of God was there during prayer and I noticed a change in both of them after prayer, but both of these people lost their healing because of unbelief or sin in their lives.
CANCER is a tumor that grows progressively through the body. It includes leukemia, lymphoma and other malignant tumors.
Here is the prayer for cancer sick people and how to minister:
  1. Bind and cast out the spirit of cancer.
  2. Curse the seed, root and cells of the cancer.
  3. Lay hands on the affected area, commanding every cancer cell in the body to die.
  4. Command the bone marrow to produce pure, healthy blood.
  5. Command healing to all organs and tissues affected and restoration of parts where necessary.
  6. Command the body’s defensive “killer” cells to multiply and attack all cancer cells.
(Taken from the Handbook for Healing by Charles and Frances Hunter, Whitaker House, page 175)
Love in Christ,

Whilst the healing of our bodies is a promise of God - please keep in mind that the salvation of our souls or the souls of others/loved ones is of utmost importance. We believe that a person must be born again, according to JOHN 3:3-5, "of water and of the Spirit" or he "cannot enter into the kingdom of God." 
ACTS 2:38 "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.


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