Monday 1 December 2014


Kenneth & Gloria’s Marriage:

It is not known (nor can I find it to ever have been reported by the Copelands) what year Kenneth and Gloria first met. Again, it is only known from the records that they married about five months after Kenneth’s second divorce was finalized. It is also not known how long their courtship lasted. What is known is that He was 25 years old at the time, and she had just turned 20 that February before.
In the book, The First 30 Years, Kenneth explained his “courtship” and marriage proposal to his young third wife, Gloria Jean Neece, in this manner on page 26 (with emphasis added):
A few days later, I met Gloria and fell in love with her the minute I saw her. “This is different!” I realized.
Every idea I’d ever had about love flew out the window.
On my first date with Gloria I found myself singing to her.
“Whooh! Man, this is something,” I thought when I caught myself. I hadn’t planned on singing. I wasn’t trying to impress her or con her into something. I just couldn’t help it. I knew right then that I wanted to marry this woman. I figured it would take me a year to talk her into it, so I decided to get an early start. I didn’t know what it would take to get her to marry me, but I was ready to lie, cheat, steal or con to make it happen.
I really thought, “This is going to take a long time—maybe years—to win her over, so I’m going to ask her now.”
After our date, I walked her up to the front porch and opened the door.
“Gloria,” I said. She turned around and looked at me. “Will you marry me?”
She said, “Yes—I will.” Then she turned around and went inside the house and closed the door.
Left me standing there stammering and muttering in disbelief.

Conversion Testimony:

According to their testimony, in 1962 in Little Rock, Arkansas, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland were born again. Gloria’s conversion was reportedly first. She recalls praying a private prayer after reading a Bible that Vinita Copeland had given Kenneth.
Kenneth’s testimony of conversion was that several weeks later he heard the voice of God tell him, “If you and your family don’t get in line with the Word of God, you’ll go to the devil’s hell.” He reports that he then cried out, “I know it, Lord! I know it! I’ll do whatever I have to do. Now, what do I do?” Remembering some instruction that an old Sunday School teacher had spoken when he was a child, he then reportedly asked Jesus to “move in” to his heart.
Both conversions, according to their testimonies, were in private, but the copelands have no doubt impacted our world positively!!!

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